Overview: Time registration reports

Click here to read more about reports regarding leave.

Click here to read more about reports regarding sick leave.

Time registration reports

There is a variety of reports that can be created in the Leavedays application. These reports allow you to gain insight into different HR aspects. These reports can be a list of the requests made by employees, or a list of all the employees who are reported sick, and anything in between.

It is a convenience to have an overview of all the different reports available in the application. Below, you will find a list with all the different reports, and how best to use them.


The attendance report can generate an overview of the attendance of one or all of your employees. It might be useful at the end of the year to create a report for the year review or accountant. This report contains the number of hours your employees worked per day. Furthermore, you can see at what times your employees clock in and out.

Time sheet:

This report shows the worked hours of your employees. Per day, you can view how many hours your employee has worked, compared to the number of hours they were supposed to work according to their schedule. Furthermore, the duration of their break is shown, and the number of hours worked, taking the break into account.

Periodic time sheet:

This report is used to gain insight into the monthly overview of the overtime hours of your employees. It is not necessary to be using weekly reports to use this report.

In this overview, you can view how your employees have spent their days. Attendance and absence of the employee in question is shown in the report. Moreover, you can view the overtime rules in your application, if any, the amount of overtime the employee has worked, and the number of extra hours that need to be added for these overtime hours.

Time accountability:

The time accountability report shows an overview of the weekly reports of all employees at the same time. This report allows you to see whether the weekly report was submitted, and whether it was approved. If the weekly report was approved, you can also see who approved the report.


The month report is an overview with the overtime that was added via weekly reports to a certain type of leave, for all your employees at the same time. It might be useful at the end of the year to create a report for the year review or accountant. From the report, you can gather how many overtime hours your employees have worked. Furthermore, you can see whether your employees have sold their overtime, and whether this still needs to be approved.


Click here to read more about reports regarding leave.

Click here to read more about reports regarding sick leave.