Overview: Sick leave reports

Click here to read more about reports regarding leave.

Click here to read more about reports regarding time registration.

Sick leave reports

There is a variety of reports that can be created in the Leavedays application. These reports allow you to gain insight into different HR aspects. These reports can be a list of the requests made by employees, or a list of all the employees who are reported sick, and anything in between.

It is a convenience to have an overview of all the different reports available in the application. Below, you will find a list with all the different reports, and how best to use them.

Sick percentage:

This report can be generated to view the sick days of one or all of your employees. The report shows the percentage the employee was sick during the selected period. In the overview, you can see the scheduled time, the worked time, and the sick time in that period. Other than seeing the percentage the employee was sick, you can also see the number of sick reports this employee had during that period.

Sick days report:

This report shows an overview of the sick days of one or all of your employees. It might be useful at the end of the year to create a report for the year review or accountant. For every sick day, this report shows which days the employee was sick, the percentage they were sick those days, and the number of hours they were sick that day.

Sick reports: 

In this report, you can see the sick reports of one or all of your employees. It might be useful at the end of the year to create a report for the year review or accountant. The report will state, per sick report, what the start and end date are, how many hours the employee missed during this time, and you can also view the remarks and the measures taken.

Click here to read more about reports regarding leave.

Click here to read more about reports regarding time registration.