The AccruedBalance module introduces a new calculation method: leave entitlement and processing according to the French regulations.
- This creates the possibility for monthly leave entitlement
- This allows for year processing according to French legislation (round off at the end of each year instead of closing the year)
- This makes it possible to stop certain leave entitlements during illness (RTT)
The French method of year processing creates the possibility for employees to accrue their balance monthly for certain types of leave, and receive other types yearly. This option can be selected to replace the standard option of granting employees their full leave entitlement at the start of the year.
It is possible to grant an employee 24 leave days, and let these be accrued monthly. This would mean that an employee gets 2 leave days per month, instead of receiving all 24 days at the start of the year.
This module also adds a new type of overview to the ‘Employee balance summary’.
Below is an example of an ‘Employee balance summary’ of an employee:
The upper part of the window shows the current balance of the employee with the balance history. This also allows you to view the history of the leave balance entitlement. It is possible to select a month at the top, in order to view the balance history of that month.
The lower part of the window shows the estimated balance at the end of the chosen month (possibly in the future). This allows you to check how many leave days the employee will have in a specific month, for instance when planning a vacation. In the request window, the employee can use this (estimated) entitled leave to request their leave ahead of time.
Year processing
The French method of year processing is slightly different from the method in the Netherlands.
Instead of processing and closing the year, the remaining balance of the employees will be rounded up to whole hours. This means the new year will start with a rounded balance.
Create next year
Just like with the Dutch year processing, the next year will need to be created before rounding the balances.
French year processing settings
The first step toward using the French year processing is to add the necessary types of leave to the employment. It will become apparent that some more options have been added to the existing settings for types of leave.
When adding a type of leave to an employment, the following options can be set in the window above:
- Name: The name of the selected type of leave appears here.
- Number: Enter the number of days that will be granted yearly. In case no days should be granted, enter 0 here. These are examples of types of leave without yearly entitlement: Special leave, Doctor’s visits etc., and Time off in lieu.
- Show in: Select how this type of leave will be shown in the balance summary.
- Hours from schedule: Check this box if the number of days that will be granted – as entered above at ‘Number’ – should be calculated from the schedule (which is determined by the ‘hours in a day’ option) instead of the employment (which is determined by the ‘days per week’ and the ‘hours per week’ options).
- Round up: This checkbox, when checked, ensures that the entitlement of this type of leave will be rounded up to the hour, half hour, or quarter of an hour. The round off limit (an option that appears when the box is checked) determines from which minute the rounding up will occur.
- Waiting days: This option is only visible when the ‘Sick leave’ module is active. In case the collective agreement (CAO) of the employee contains waiting days, they can be entered here. Only enter these on the type of leave from which you wish to deduct these.
- Expires on – Day and Month: This option is only visible when you have activated the ‘expiry date leave’ via ‘System settings’ ⇒ ‘Options’ ⇒ ‘Supplementary’.
This option is used in case this type of leave is to expire on a certain date of the year after being transported according to the rules of this type of leave. To let this leave expire, go to ‘Administration’ ⇒ ‘Year processing’ ⇒ ‘Add expired transport adaptations’ after the expiry date. In case you do not wish to let this type of leave expire, set this to 31 (day) and 12 (month). - Starting month: When the administrative year of this type of leave differs from the standard calendar, you can select the start date of the year here. This is usually the case with Congés Payés in France. The entitlement starts on the 1st of June, and so a 6 would be entered in this field. This option is normally only applied to this type of leave. If you wish to apply this to all types of leave, you can select the checkbox ‘For all leavetypes’.
- Accepts requests in 1st year: When you want employees to be able to make requests in the first year, check this box.
- Accrued (in months): Here, you can enter in how many months the full leave entitlement – as entered above at ‘Number’ – will be accrued. This allows you to determine whether the leave is accrued periodically. If you want an employee to have all their days from the start of the year, select 1 here. If you want the leave to be accrued gradually over the whole year, select 12 here.
For now, it is only possible to accrue balance yearly or monthly. Entering anything other than 1 or 12 will not have an effect. - Valid for (in months): Here, you can enter how long the employee’s balance will be valid. The default setting for this is 12 (one year).
- Is open until first day next month: In case balance from this type of leave is about the expire, the expiry date will be moved to the first day of the next month, so it can still be used in the last month.
Repeat this for all types of leave that need to be added to the employment.
The rule for the French method of year processing can be selected when creating new types of leave, and via ‘Master data’ ⇒ ‘Types of leave’ for existing types of leave. To do this, select the ‘edit’ (pencil) icon next to the type of leave in question.
When adding a new type of leave, you can select ‘French year closing’ at ‘Calculation method’. The change can be made in the same way for the 2012 legislation.
This module provides a different leave summary overview. Employees will not see their full leave balance at the start of the year, but their balance is accrued during the course of the year. This accommodates the monthly build up of balances.
Sick leave rules
This module also allows you to add sick leave rules.
Use these rules to stop the build-up of RTT (and possibly other types of leave) during sick leave, which the build-up of the other types of leave continues as normal.
To do this, go to ‘Sick reports’ ⇒ ‘Sick report rules’. These rules allow for a temporary stop on the build-up of balance during a period of illness.
For example: An employee is granted 24 leave days per year. If this is accrued monthly, the employee will get two leave days each month. In case the employee is sick for one month, they will not accrue leave during this time, in which case the employee will accrue 22 leave days that year.
When you select ‘New French sick report rule’, the window below will appear.
This window will allow you to give the rule a name, so that you can distinguish between the different rules. The rule can be linked to a specific employment, or you can choose to use the rule for all employments. Furthermore, you can select for which type of leave the build-up will be halted, and to set a calculation date (day).
Accrued leave balance report
This module also comes with a new report. The ‘Accrued leave balance report’ can be used to check the amount of leave that is being accrued by employees in a certain period of time.
In this report, you can filter on ‘Department’ and ‘Employee’. Furthermore, the export can be sorted on ‘Department’ and ‘Employee’ as well.
Finally, it is possible to include inactive employees in the report.