Import transport adaptations according to Dutch legislation of 2012

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Transport adaptations

This import is generally used during the implementation of the system, just before your Leavedays system goes live. The balance of the current year, that has been calculated by our system, does not contain any balance of the previous years. This is obviously the case because you were not using the Leavedays system in previous years. By using this import, you will be able to import the transport of balance from previous years unto your current balance.

This import allows you to import transport adaptations according to the new Dutch legislation of 2012. It divides balance according to the rules of statutory and exceeding statutory balance. The meaning of ‘transport adaptation’ is that the system transports balance from one year to another.

This transport divides balance, according to the legislation concerning statutory and exceeding statutory balance. Depending on this, the balance can be used for another 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, and 5 years.

In the years that follow, the Leavedays system will take over the transport of balance, and will calculate this division of balance automatically, after processing the fiscal year.

The Import File

The only format for importing files that is compatible with the system is in this case a CSV-format. (Comma Separated Value) The values have to be separated by a semicolon (;)

The first line holds the field names, which have to be present in the system. When a file is presented without any field names, no information in this column can be imported.

Lay out of the import file


Field name Type Format Required Description
External number Text Yes Insert the external number of the employee as it is in the Leavedays system (see administration -> employees -> export or the edit employee screen). . Note: the name in this file has to be identical to the name in the system.
Type of leave Text Yes Insert the name of the type of leave the way it is in the Leavedays system. Note: in order for this import to be successful, the employee with username in field 1 has to have balance.
Date of transport Date yyyy-mm-dd Yes This is the starting date of the balance that needs to be transported. E.g. The balance that you want to transport started on 01-01-2014. The date of transport is 2014-01-01
Total Number Decimal notation, using a period (.) to separate the decimals. Yes Insert the total number of hours that need to be transported from previous year to the current balance. The number here needs to be equal to the sum of the field ‘Half-year’+’1 year’+’2 years’+’3 years’+’4 years’+’5 years’. The number of hours should be noted using decimal notation. The hours stand before the full stop, and minutes are written in decimals behind the full stop. So for 36 hours and 15 minutes, enter 36.25.
For 40 hours, enter 40.00
Half-year Number Decimal notation, using a period (.) to separate the decimals. Yes Insert here the left-over balance of the statutory part of the previous year. The number of hours should be noted using decimal notation. The hours stand before the full stop, and minutes are written in decimals behind the full stop. So for 36 hours and 15 minutes, you write 36.25.
For 40 hours, you write 40.00
1 year Number Decimal notation, using a period (.) to separate the decimals. Yes Insert here the left-over balance of the exceeding statutory minimum part that will expire at the end of this year. The number of hours should be noted using decimal notation. The hours stand before the full stop, and minutes are written in decimals behind the full stop. So for 36 hours and 15 minutes, you write 36.25.
For 40 hours, you write 40.00
2 years Number Decimal notation, using a period (.) to separate the decimals. Yes Insert here the left-over balance of the exceeding statutory minimum part that will expire in 2 years. The number of hours should be noted using decimal notation. The hours stand before the full stop, and minutes are written in decimals behind the full stop. So for 36 hours and 15 minutes, you write 36.25.
For 40 hours, you write 40.00
3 years Number Decimal notation, using a period (.) to separate the decimals. Yes Insert here the left-over balance of the exceeding statutory minimum part that will expire in 3 years. the end of this year. The number of hours should be noted using decimal notation. The hours stand before the full stop, and minutes are written in decimals behind the full stop. So for 36 hours and 15 minutes, you write 36.25.
For 40 hours, you write 40.00
4 years Number Decimal notation, using a period (.) to separate the decimals. Yes Insert the left-over balance of the exceeding statutory minimum part that will expire in 4 years. The number of hours should be noted using decimal notation. The hours stand before the full stop, and minutes are written in decimals behind the full stop. So for 36 hours and 15 minutes, you write 36.25.
For 40 hours, you write 40.00
5 years Number Decimal notation, using a period (.) to separate the decimals. Yes Insert here the left-over balance of the exceeding statutory minimum part that will expire in 5 years. The number of hours should be noted using decimal notation. The hours stand before the full stop, and minutes are written in decimals behind the full stop. So for 36 hours and 15 minutes, you write 36.25.
For 40 hours, you write 40.00
Reason Text No Use this space to add some small comments. These comments will be visible in the system, and can provide information concerning the import. E.g. use “left-over balance 2013” to indicate that this import concerns the left-over balance of 2013. When you leave this field empty, the system will add a default message automatically. This message will also be visible in the system.


In the system, an employee with external number ‘136109991’ has been entered. For this employee, there is a balance created for 2015 named ‘Normal Leave’. This employee has a leftover balance at the end of 2014 of 26 hours and 45 minutes. This is divided in 3 hours of statutory balance, 13 hours and 45 minutes of exceeding statutory balance of 2014 and 10 hours of exceeding statutory balance of 2013.

Obviously, the years 2014 and 2013 are not available in your system, since you only started using Leavedays in 2015.

The import file will look as follows:

External number;Type of Leave;Date of transport;total;half year;1year;2year;3year;4year;5year;Reason
136109991;Normal leave;2014-1-1;26.75;3.00;13.75;10.00;0.0;0.0;0.0;Leftover balance 2014

As soon as the file has successfully been imported, a schedule adaptation appears on the balance “Normal leave” of 2015, called ‘carry over balance’. This adaptation indicates the transport of 26 hours and 45 minutes. The build up of the transport will look as follows:

  • Expires after half a year: 3 hours
  • Expires after 1 year   : 13 hours and 45 minutes
  • Expires after 2 years : 10 hours
  • Expires after 3 years : 0 hours
  • Expires after 4 years : 0 hours
  • Expires after 5 years : 0 hours

Furthermore, an adaptation called ‘expired statutory days’ is created, indicating the balance that will expire this year on the first of July.  In this case the amount of leave that is to expire is 3 hours. In other words, if the employee does not take up enough leave, the system will let these 3 hours expire on the first of July. These can then not be used anymore for requesting leave.


Click here to read about how other data can be imported.