Report: Sick percentage

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Sick percentage report

Through the sick percentage report, an overview can be generated of the sick days of one or all employees at the same time. At the end of the year, it may be necessary to create a report for a year review or accountant. The sick percentage report can be created by going to ‘Sick leave (top of the page)’ ⇒ ‘Report’ ⇒ ‘Sick percentage’.

Setting filters

  • Year: Choose a year.
  • Period: Choose a time period. You can choose between different months, quarters, or the whole year. Choose the time period you want to view.

As soon as you have entered all the necessary filters, select export. The ‘Export’ button will download the report, after which you can open the file in MS Excel, or send the file to someone.

Above is an example of an exported sick percentage report. At the top are the different headings such as Name, Total schedule time, etc.

Name: This is the name of the employee.

Total schedule time (hours): This is the number of hours the employee was supposed to work according to their schedule in the selected time period.

Worktime (hours): This is the number of hours the employee worked in the selected time period.

Sicktime (hours): This is the number of hours the employee was sick in the selected time period.

Sick report count: This is the number of sick reports in the system for the employee in the selected time period.

% sick: This shows the percentage the person was sick compared to the total schedule time.

Click here to read more about reportage possibilities for managers.

Click here to read more about reportage possibilities for administrators.