Report: Periodic timesheet

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Periodic time accountability report

This report can be found in the menu under ‘Time registration (top of the page) ⇒ ‘Report’ ⇒ ‘Periodic time accountability’. This report offers a clear overview of how employees have spent their time. Absence and attendance can also be viewed in this report. Furthermore, it is possible to see whether overtime rules were in effect, how much overtime the employee has worked, and how many extra work hours the employee should be awarded for this.

Setting filters

  • Start period: Choose a start date.
  • End of period: Choose a start date.
  • Employee: Select the employee of whom you would like to see the periodic timesheet. If you wish to see the periodic timesheet of all employees, leave this setting on “please select”.
  • Manager: Select the manager of whose employees you would like to see the periodic timesheet. If you wish to see the periodic timesheet of all employees, leave this setting on “please select”.
  • Department: Select the department of which you would like to see the periodic timesheet. If you wish to see the periodic timesheet of all employees, leave this setting on “please select”.
  • Employment: Select an employment to filter on employees who have this employment. If you wish to see the periodic timesheet of all employees, leave this setting on “please select”.
  • Inactive employees: Check this box if you also wish to see the inactive employees.

As soon as you have entered all the necessary filters, select export. The ‘Export’ button will download the report, after which you can open the file in MS Excel, or send the file to someone.

Above is an example of an exported periodic timesheet report. At the top are the different headings such as Name, External number, Department, etc.

Surname : The surname of the employee.

First name: The first name of the employee.

Surname prefix: The surname prefix of the employee.

External number: Should your company employ external numbers, it can be found here.

Active: This shows whether the employee is active or not.

Department: If you have created departments in your Leavedays environment, this column will show which department the employee is part of. This might be useful when you want to filter your file on department.

Manager: Here you will find the manager of the employee.

Date: This shows the date of the work times.

Week: This is the weeknumber.

Day: This the day of the work times.

Hours from schedule: This is the number of hours the employee was supposed to work on the day in question.

Work activities: The next columns are all the different types of work activities registered in the system. The work activity columns will show how much time the employees spent on that particular activity during the work day.

Total worked: This shows the total of worked hours of the employee.

Half hour break: This shows whether the employee took a half hour break.

Total bonuses: This is the total of bonuses awarded to the employee in the time period.

Total (bonuses + worked): This shows the total of worked hours and bonuses.

Types of leave: The next columns show the different types of leave registered in your Leavedays system. The types of leave columns show how much time the employee spent on those types of leave.

Total absence: This shows the total number of hours the employee was absent.

Sick reports: This shows the total number of hours the employee was sick.

Deviation: This shows the deviation between the number of hours from the schedule (in the ‘Hours from schedule column) and the total hours (in the Total (bonuses + worked) column).

Click here to read more about reportage possibilities for managers.

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