Importing employees

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This import is generally used during the implementation of the system, when you first start to use Leavedays.

In order to import your employees into the system, you can use the functionality ‘import’. During this process of importing, new user accounts are created and linked to the manager. The manager is in charge and has to assess the requests made by the employees. Also, by using the import functionality, a first contract (Employment and Entitlement) is created for all of the users.
If it is preferable, from an administrative perspective, it is possible to first arrange the details of employment contracts and schedules, before importing the users. Note: In the process of arranging all the details in the system, it is vital that all data and names are exactly the same as the ones in the import file. If the names do not match up, the system will not recognized them as being the same account, and new accounts will be created according to the default settings.

If you decided not to arrange the details first, and imported all the files right away instead, you will find that the system automatically creates new accounts, using the names in the imported file. Note: All the automatically created employment contracts and schedules will be arranged according to a standard employment/schedule, as is defined in our system. As long as the system has not gone live yet, all settings of the imported employments and schedules can be adjusted and customized without it being any trouble.


The only format for importing files compatible with our system is a CSV-format. (Comma Separated Value) The multiple values have to be separated by a semicolon (;)

The first line holds the field names, which have to be present in the system. When a file is presented without any field names, the information in this column will not be imported.


Layout of the import file

Field name Type Format Required Description
Employee number Text No This is the employee number of the corresponding user. The Employee number has to be unique and is used for connecting employees to the right manager.
First name Text Yes First name of the user.
Prefix Text No The prefix that may come in between the user’s first name and surname.
Surname Text Yes Surname of the user.
Email address Text Valid email address Yes The email address of the user. This address will be used to send work related emails to the corresponding user. 
Function Text Yes The duty or function the user fulfills within the company.
Date of birth Date yyyy-mm-dd Yes The date of birth of the user
Show calendar Number 0 or 1 or 2 Yes This determines the way in which the user sees the calendar. 
0 = Only their own calendar.
1 = The schedule of their co-workers within the same department.
2 = All of the schedules of all of the users in the corresponding administration.  
Note: When the corresponding user is also a manager, s/he will see all the schedules of the employees within his/her department, regardless of the number that is submitted here.
Role of manager Yes/No Yes?: True or true or y or Y or Yes or yes
No?: False or false or n or N or No or no
Yes Whether or not the user in question also fulfills the role of manager.
Role of administrator Yes/No Yes?: True or true or y or Y or Yes or yes
No?: False or false or n or N or No or no
Yes Whether or not the user in question also fulfills the role of administrator of Leavedays administration.
Role of system manager Yes/No Yes?: True or true or y or Y or Yes or yes
No?: False or false or n or N or No or no
Yes Whether or not the user in question also fulfills the role of system administrator of the Leavedays administration.
Department Text Yes The name of the department that the user belongs to.
Employment contract Text Yes The kind of employment contract that applies to the corresponding user (collective agreement).
Schedule Text Yes The name of the schedule that is used by the user.
Contract percentage Number Decimal notation, using a period (.) to separate the decimals. Yes The percentage of the employment the user works.
Start of employment Date yyyy-mm-dd Yes The date of the start of the user’s employment.
End of employment Date yyyy-mm-dd No In case that the specific end of employment is known, enter it here. Otherwise, leave this space blank.
Who is the manager Text Yes The Employee number of the user’s manager. If the user in question is his/her own manager, fill out his/her own Employee number (see Column A).  



In this example, we will import two users. In this case, the latter of the two also holds the position as manager.

username;employee number;firstname;prefix;lastname;email;company position;date of birth;show in schedule;has role manager;has role administrator;has role system administrator;department;employment name;schedule name;contract percentage;in service date;out service date;who is manager (username)

rvdlaan;Rob;van der;Laan;;Software developer;1968-03-25;1;N;N;N;Software;Standard;Standard;100;2014-01-01;;jpeters


jpeters;John;Peters;;Head Software;1968-10-16;2;Y;N;N;Software;Employment Managers;Standard;80;2014-01-01;;jpeters

Click here to read about how other data can be imported.