Manage Administrative adaptations

What is an administrative adaptation?

An administrative adaptation can be made by an administrator, for instance when you want to adapt the balance of an employee. This can prevent the employee from having too much balance, which will cause balance to have to be deducted, or the other way around, when an employee gets more hours for some reason.
An administrative adaptation also has to be made when an employee wants to sell his leave, meaning that these hours will have to be deducted from his balance as well.

Aside from that, there are also transfer adaptations. These occur only when it is not necessary to make a year processing adaptation for this type of leave for this employee. In other words, this means that this employee does not have leave from previous years that has to be be added to his/her balance. In the case of a transfer adaptation, you either add or deduct balance from previous years to the balance. This is probably only necessary when you are setting up the Leavedays application, or when adding a new employee to the system.

There are three kinds of administrative adaptations:
  • Addition adaptation: This adaptation adds balance to the current balance of the employee.
  • Deduction adaptation This adaptation causes balance to be deducted from the current balance of the employee.
  • Payment adaptation: This adaptation deducts balance from the current balance (exceeding the statutory minimum) of the employee. This adaptation is used when the employee would like to sell part of his leave, which can only be done with the leave that exceeds the statutory minimum.
There are two kinds of transport adaptations:
  • Minus transport last year: When the previous year ended with a negative balance, the ‘minus transport adaptation last year’ option can compensate this with the balance of the current year.
  • Added transport last year: When the previous year ended with a positive balance, the ‘added transport adaptation last year’ option can add the remaining balance to the current year.

How to carry out an administrative adaptation?

An administrative adaptation can be carried out as follows:

In the menu on the left, go to ‘Overview’ ‘Employee balances’. Select the employee for whom you’d like to make an adaptation. An overview of the employee’s balance will appear. Select the type of leave for which the adaptation must be made by clicking on the details icon. In the screen that appears, select the option ‘New adaptation’. Select the adaptation in question. In the screen that appears, enter the number of days and hours of the adaptation. For example, if you want to make an addition adaptation for 3 days and 4.5 hours, enter the days and hours separately, as follows:  3d 04:30. It is also possible to leave the days out and just enter hours. In the case of an 8 hour work day, 3 days and 4.5 hours would amount to: 28:30.

You can now enter hours with a decimal notation. It is no longer necessary to recalculate hours to minutes to make a very specific adaptation;


– If you enter a number without additives for example 14 then 14 hours will be added.
– If you enter a number with a comma for example 4,0 (you can also replace the comma with a period) then 4 hours will be added.
– If you enter a number with a comma for example 4,5 (you can also replace the comma with a period) then 4 and a half hours will be added.
– If you enter a number with a comma for example 4,75 (you can also replace the comma with a period) then 4 hours and three quarters will be added.


If you enter a number with in addition the character d, for example 14d then 14 (schedule) days will be added.


Collective administrative adaptations

If you want to carry out an administrative adaptation for multiple employees (a department, for example, or the whole company), you can make a collective administrative adaptation. This can be done in the same way as a regular administrative adaptation, only in this case it applies to more employees.
To make a collective administrative adaptation, go to ‘Overview’ ‘Employee balances’ in the menu on the left. Select an employee for whom (amongst others) you’d like to make an administrative adaptation. When you have selected the type of leave in question, select ‘New collective adaptation’. The same screen as for an individual adaptation will appear. Select the department(s) to which this adaptation will apply. By checking the box ‘Is addition’, you can make sure that the adaptation is an addition. If you leave this box unchecked, the adaptation will be a deduction.

Adaptations will be shown in the balance summary in three ways:

  • Administrative adaptation
    This always refers to a manual addition or deduction of the balance. The reason is stated there as well.
  • Leave entitlement
    This is the balance which is awarded at the beginning of the year as stipulated in the employment. These adaptations are created/calculated automatically by the system.
  • Carry over balance
    This refers to balance which is transported from previous years, be it positive or negative. This adaptation can be created using the added or minus transport adaptation last year option.
  • Expired statutory days
    This adaptation is only necessary when the 2012 legislation  is used in your application. A deduction adaptation is created when part of the leave has expired.